Susan Says

Listen To Women

  • Visit Live Site
  • — Tech Stack —
  • • HTML

    • CSS

    • Javascript

  • — Features —
  • • Memory Game

    • New Levels

    • Discover More Feminists

    • Added Trivia

  • — Tools —
  • — Future Itterations —
  • • More Trivia

    • Progressive Web App

app screenshot
app screenshot
app screenshot
  • Purpose/ Why I did it/ what problem does it solve
  • Interactive arcade style memory game built using React. Users repeat a color pattern delivered by "Susan" that gets infinitely longer as they continue to repeat correctly. Upon arriving to each new level, the background changes to a differnt feminist. Users recieve a score at the end. Be ware, it's addictive!

  • Process
  • Challenges / blockers
  • new stuff learned/ what i'm proud of/ hyped to share (!)
  • converting a switch statement to using an object saving over 20 lines of code

  • Deployment
  • Surge. Not ideal, but it is all I knew at the time.

  • Scale
  • Work in progress

  • Leave a Comment
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05December 2017 Arianna Choza