Quote Generator Project
Generate a new quote with a click of a button and also share the quote to Twitter
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- — Features —
• Javascript
• Four APIs
• Share to Twitter

- Purpose
- Process
Ideation: Quote generating reaching a generic quote api with option to load another quote and option to share on twitter. But how to make it interesting?? Add a roboto animation and a speech bubble to give the feel that the quotes are coming from somewhere, not the ether. Add speech to text to make quoetes feel like they are being told to you. More intersting quotes, like Jane Austin Quotes Perhaps?
Quick internet search and I found a mobile app that will text you daily jane austin quotes. Said app got mega publicity. Like in the gaurdian and other publications. Quite a simple idea and it can get press?! I need to share my apps, like deploy publically, release to the general population, or else that will never be my fate.
I chose to give the user options of which quotes they would like generated to appeal to a wider user audiance. Working with mutliple APIs, I need a way to normalize the data response to aviod writing repetitive code for each API call. This became a two very nested ternary functions. Another challenge I ran into, the DevLorem Api returned html not a string like the others. I implemented a Regular Expression to remove the < p > tags and normalize further.