Comprehension Goals

Setting Realistically Achievable Milestones

23Sep 2020 Arianna Choza

Day 3 of intense study. I feel great; super great. I'm taking notes, making lists, marking things off my list and talking about data structures informally to non-technical people. Specifically my mother, because, you know, quarantine and she's all I have immediate access to. This is a prioritized mega goal of mine: Being able to talk about code, programming, software to non technical people. Translate technical to non-technical. Able to communicate these ideas effortlessly without having the luxury of predefined technical vocab for concepts and needing to invent my own that are digestible anyone no matter their level of technical knowledge.

  • My short term goals for these few days
  • — Identifying Data Structures
  • — How Data Structures Work
  • — Know Individual Attributes for each Data Structure
  • — Examples of Data Structures IRL
  • — Under What Circumstances does Each Data Structure Excell
  • — Big O of Each Data Structure
  • — Understand Searching and Sorting
  • — Examples of when Searching and Sorting is Needed IRL
  • — Grokking Basic Javascript Methods used for Data Structures

Basically at this point, I'm okay with not being able to code these out; Pseudocode yes; Javascript No. Next week for sure. But right now I want to focus on concepts before I start hitting my self in the head with code and alogorithm. I subscribe to the idea of setting small realistic goals that are totally achievable so I don't feel overwhelming. This way I can get a doppamine hit from accomplishing the small task and not feel stressed / pressure / less than ideal for falling behind in goals that are too big for me. Honestly I still put "shower" and "take my pill " on my todo list just for the satifaction of having things to cross off. You should try it, you'll like it, trust me !!

As always, delighted by feedback ?