Computer Science

Studying for the test

07Sep 2020 Arianna Choza

I'm getting a job at Bloomberg. I'm studying, like, nonstop to make that happen: Data Structures & Algorithms. I'm blogging about it because it's good for me. It's practice communicating cross-functionally and cementing what I'm learning. Please comment if you aren't technical and none of this makes sense. Half of it should, but if none of it does, I want to know about it.

The time frame is two months. I need to pass their test. It's hard and everyone knows it. I didn't get a computter science degree and I have to prove that it doesn't matter. Prove that I don't need to fit a traditional mold of, "I've been coding since I was 9!" or "I got a CS degree because at 18years old I had it all figured out". I had nothing figured out. Less than nothing. A decade later, I know who I am, I understand my interests and how to satisfy them. My life path has lead me here and I'm ever so thankful it did.