Data Structures Be Like

I'm super useful

15/Oct 2020 Arianna Choza

I've been going at this for a while, so I feeling really confident about how well I can explain these to low tech people. Which is like the highest level of personal understanding. Ok, so here goes...

DATA STRUCTURES are a collection of values, the relationship among them, and the functions or opperations that can be applied to the data. ORGANIZATION, MANAGEMENT & STORAGE Data Structure is a layout for memory that represents some sort of data ... In other words, a bunch of values and their relationships to each other (parent, child, weighted unweighted, next, previous, etc), and what kinds of things you can do to the data, interactions and functionality(add more values, delete, sort, search, etc).

  • How to create a Data Structure
  • First we need to define the data structure we are making. We do this with something called a Class. This is where we define how the data is stored, the relationships to each other and the methods we can do to it. Once we have defined the data structure, then we can use this definition or blueprint to actually make a data structure. This is called INSTANTIATION. We starting with the constructor function.In this function we provide any custom initialization that must be done before any other methods can be called on an instantiated object. It's how the ds gets made. We are just making a single blueprint, from here we can make as many ds as we want calling them different

  • variables "this" refers to the single/ specefic instance of the class
  • instance methods
  • class methods : static key word

  • const firstList = new LinkedList(value)
  • const nextList = new LinkedList(value)