Countdown to Launch

Blogging about apprehension

21July 2020 Arianna Choza

Starting somewhere, anywhere, here. I'm giving myself until Friday July 24 2020 to not only finish my portfolio but also blast it everywhere. Social media, contacts, strangers; the whole shabang.

Technically my portfolio has been shippable for ages. But nerves, shyness, not feeling one million percent beaming proud, knowing there was much more to be done prevented me. It's silly, I know. A really great quote by Reid Hoffman that I would love to one day live by, "If you're not embarassed by your first version of your product; you shipped too late."

Rohan Rajiv dug a little further into this in his medium article concluding with two great questions.

Is what we are shipping helping us learn what we want to learn while providing value to the user?

Is this our best effort based on what we know/have access to now?

UPDATE: Today August 19th the year 2020, I Arianna Choza, have deployed my portfolio.

Did I blast it everywhere like I claimed I would ? No I didn't. I'm celebrating the small sucesses; it's out there; I did it! Real people, who I don't know, from cities I have never heard of, go to my portfolio and look it! I have no idea how, because my SEO is terrible. I put my name in quotes and frontend engineer portfolio in quotes, various other combinations, and without quotes and I looked through all google results of each query (max 6 pages), and I did not find it. How are strangers finding themselves at ?? I'm baffled, but, like, mega pleased.